Bookishness: November 5, 2012


Rock (yeah) ing (yeah) chair (yeah)
Rock your way to a full battery with Micasa Lab’s (still in development) ipad charging rocking chair.

Canadian Poetries
Promises poet secrets. How tempting.

David Kaiser on the essay he didn’t write, “The essay falls in a beguiling category: the zombie fact, claims that are shown to be untrue but which simply will not die.”

Surprisingly wearable
8 meters of silk chiffon, 500 Swarovski crystals, and 140 characters (image via Kevin Hughes).

Fiction + math = true love
“By the time you’re old enough to drive, you’ve likely decided which region of the brain you plan to use in your adult life, and which you want nothing to do with beyond the minimum requirements imposed by modern society.” Why writers should learn math.

Shouldn’t you be writing?
The best possible advice for NaNoWriMo‘ers: Get off the Internet.