Heritage Minutes, Rebel Mayor and More: Issue Six Launch Party on May 7!

announcement2We’re thrilled to announce that on May 7, to greet its sixth issue, The Toronto Review of Books is hosting the Canadian Historical Symbolism event of the season.

Join us for what we suspect will be the world’s first Mystery-Science-Theatre-style screening of Heritage Minutes, along with some thoughts from Toronto political mascot @rebelmayor  (a.k.a. writer Shawn Micallef), a reading by Yaya Yao, and a selection of rousing poetry from 1812. Canada never looked so sharp or felt so real.

WHAT: TRB’s Canadian History Gala Issue Six Launch Party!
WHEN: May 7, 8pm until late
WHERE: The Ossington, 61 Ossington Ave.

*Those in period costume will receive general adulation and waived cover.

See you then! We’ll be carousing like it’s 1867.