Tag: contributing

  • Do you have ideas for The Toronto Review of Books?

    Do you have ideas for The Toronto Review of Books?

    In four digital issues of essays and poetry a year, and a daily blog, Chirograph, The Toronto Review of Books (TRB) covers print, Internet, e-books, street corners, festivals, songs, thoughts, Toronto, and other artworks. We’re always looking for new contributors and fresh perspectives, so if you have ideas for essays, single review posts, recurring series, audio or video projects, or any other kind…

  • Contribute to The Toronto Review of Books!

    Contribute to The Toronto Review of Books!

    Dear Charming Readers, If you like The Toronto Review of Books, do think about contributing! Our blog, Chirograph, is always hungry for bookish, curious, and open-minded mini-essays and reviews of books and other things, new and old. Meanwhile, we’re putting together Issue Five and are eager to know your ideas. Also, if you’re interested in…