Bookishness: Week of July 2, 2012

“A place where the past sits intimately close to the present” A visit to Paper Books (née Of Swallows).

Matisse meets Joyce For those who couldn’t shell out the cash for a copy of Ulysses illustrated by Henri Matisse, Brain Pickings did (a “year’s worth of lunch money”), and posted scans of the book’s etchings.

“From taxes taxes taxes to library library library” One (brilliant) way to save a library.

In the clouds NPR Books asks: Will your children inherit your e-books?

Getting scrumdiddlyumptious in the stacks Chris Gaul, Artist in Residence at Sydney’s Library of the University of Technology, on his ideal library: “[It] would have the ethos of Willy Wonka’s factory: an intuitive and imaginative place that encourages curiosity, playfulness and is full of unexpected surprises.” Read about how he’s artifying the library at the Library as Incubator Project.