Join Us for the summer! The TRB is now accepting interns

We’re looking for a few stellar folks to join The Toronto Review of Books team over the summer. TRB internships typically consist of 75 hours divided between creative work (including writing, design, or audio production) and magazine administration, completed largely on your own schedule over a period of three to five months. Interns are volunteers, like everyone else who currently works on the publication. Our internship program represents a singular chance to learn about the practice and practicalities of arts criticism online, and to connect with leaders in book industries, academe, journalism, and the arts.

We’re eager to hear from current students and recent graduates, aspiring art directors, editors, and writers of all flavours, and we’ll try to tailor internship experiences to the interests and ambitions of selected candidates. You do not need to be based in Toronto to participate in this program–we’re happy to work with interns in other cities over email.

To apply, please send Jessica Duffin Wolfe ( your CV, a short and preferably non-academic writing sample, and a concise note explaining

• what you like most about the site,
• what you think we could do better,
• what you see as your specialties (i.e. Kabuki theatre, music for the french horn, Futurist poetry, Alberta politics, etc),
• whether you have any knowledge of code, video or audio editing, photography, graphic design, or other digital production,
• the creative aspect of the publication on which you’d most like to work (i.e. editing, film reviews, illustration, etc), and
• what experience has prepared you to help effectively.

Please be sure to put “Internship Application” in the subject line of your email. The deadline to apply is May 1, 2013. We look forward to hearing from you.