Let’s begin:
Come man know your span sing
wilde curcles with no circumference
where even the birds cannot pass
an emptiness that contracts to a point
no count is sure, there is no point
to the act if you already know
what will come to pass passes, bird-
brained song man you know too well
accounted for contracts the self.
Odi et amo— Carolina
Jessamine & honeysuckle—
lanceolate feelings— itchy contra-
diction— sappy, swell!
You’re as rare
as a world
of sound
in which
things occur
unused in
you occur as
the unused
sound of
in relationship
to a world
in which
you occur
as the world
of sound
in love
is rare.
The facts are not strange to each other.
I’m a fact no stranger to you
than am I for you.
Meeting adjourned.