The William Morris Society of Canada presents a lecture called The Yellow Book, 1890s Print Culture and the Digital Vision. Lorraine Janzen Kooistra is a Professor of English and Co-Director of the Centre for Digital Humanities at Ryerson University. She introduces The Yellow Book (1894-96), a seminal fin-de-siècle magazine that is now available online. 7PM. October 10. Toronto Reference Library. Free.
The Young People’s Theatre stages A Story Before Time, the Dora-Award nominated musical and First Nations creation story. Drawing on Mohawk and Cayuga languages, the Kaha:wi Dance Theatre production uses dance and song to share the symbols and beliefs that built indigenous culture. October 16-24. Young People’s Theatre. $15-$24.
Listen to transgressive author Chuck Palahniuk (Pygmy, Fight Club, Tell-All) sketch out his latest novel, Doomed, with his blunt and endearing sensibility. 7PM. October 17. Walter Hall. $40.

Rick Phillips hosts the classical music program Sound Advice on CBC Radio. He speaks about Impressionism in Music, or the link between painters like Cezanne and Monet and composers like Debussy and Ravel. 7PM. October 17 and 24. Bloor-Gladstone Library. Free.
Canada’s preeminent pop-psychologist Malcolm Gladwell (The Tipping Point, Outliers) gives an interview about his new book of essays, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and The Art of Battling Giants, a study of success and failure and their underlying public perceptions. 7PM. October 24. Indigo Manulife Centre. Free.
Theatre Rusticle and Buddies in Bad Times Theatre sit down for Dinner at Seven-Thirty, a play based on Virginia Woolf’s novel The Waves. Join six friends as they look back on life, decide if there’s anything worth seeing, and ponder what has kept them together. October 12-20. Buddies in Bad Times Theatre. $18-$31.