The Nightmare: On Life is About Losing Everything
Reviewed in this essay: Life is About Losing Everything by Lynn Crosbie. House of Anansi, 2012. Last year I wrote a blog post about how rotten I felt getting older. I laid bare my fear of being alone and acknowledged losing the power that youth gives women. I quoted Anne Sexton: “Live or die, but…
TRB Podcast: John Fraser and The Secret of the Crown on the Eh List
[audio:fraser.mp3] On Thursday, April 26th noted Canadian journalist, author, and Master of Massey College John Fraser talked about his new book The Secret of the Crown: Canada’s Affair with Royalty at the Barbara Frum branch of the Toronto Public Library. The talk was part of the TPL’s Eh List series of speaking events, at which…
From Monarchist Nostalgia to Postcolonial Reality: Reading John Fraser’s The Secret of the Crown
Reviewed in this essay: John Fraser’s The Secret of the Crown (Anansi, 2012) Whatever else one can say about John Fraser’s newest book, it is certainly an invaluable opportunity to learn about a certain form of Canadian monarchism that has, it seems, gained a new lease on life. Fraser argues that with the spectacular popularity of…