Tag: comics

  • Game theory, Type Books, and the secrets of Yelp: Bookishness for Apr. 29, 2013

    Game theory, Type Books, and the secrets of Yelp: Bookishness for Apr. 29, 2013

    Gaming game theory “A week before the test, I told my class that the Game Theory exam would be insanely hard—far harder than any that had established my rep as a hard prof.  But as recompense, for this one time only, students could cheat.” Window Dressing On the glory of Kalpna Patel’s Type Books storefronts (image…

  • Bookishness: Week of April 30, 2012

    Bookishness: Week of April 30, 2012

    A “bipolar rabbit hole of past and present” This Findings interview with Brainpicker Maria Popova about the future of reading taught me about fifteen things, as any encounter with Popova is wont to do. In other doings (she lives in hyperdrive): Popova’s book spine poetry (inspired by National Poetry Month and the delightful Sorted Books). On the intimacy of Draw Something “Draw…

  • Kate Beaton: Canada’s Cartoonist

    Kate Beaton: Canada’s Cartoonist

    Reviewed in this essay: Hark, a Vagrant, by Kate Beaton. Drawn and Quarterly, 2011. On the web at harkavagrant.com. If you haven’t heard of Kate Beaton until lately you’re a little late to the party. Since Drawn and Quarterly released a collection of her work last fall, the cartoonist has exploded in popularity: a book…

  • TRB Podcast: Mike Carey at the 2nd Annual Toronto SpecFic Colloquium

    TRB Podcast: Mike Carey at the 2nd Annual Toronto SpecFic Colloquium

    As part of the Toronto SpecFic Colloquium on October 15, 2011, and sponsored by The Beguiling, comic-writer Mike Carey presented a talk entitled “Speak of the Dazzling Wings”: Myth, Language, and Modern Fantasy.” Listen, and enjoy. [audio:carey.mp3] From the SpecFic site: MIKE CAREY was born in 1959 in Liverpool, England, where both his parents worked…

  • Joe Sacco on Comics as Journalism

    Joe Sacco on Comics as Journalism

    On March 17, 2011, renowned comic artist and author Joe Sacco spoke in the University of Toronto Arts Council 2011 Speakers in the Arts Series on “Comics as Journalism.” [audio:joesacco.mp3]