Tag: lectures

  • TRB Podcast: Deidre Lynch on the Culture of Scrap-books in the Georgian Period

    TRB Podcast: Deidre Lynch on the Culture of Scrap-books in the Georgian Period

    Listen here: [audio: May2012/lynch.mp3] On March 22, Professor Deidre Lynch delivered a lecture as part of the Book History and Print Culture Lecture Series at the University of Toronto. Following is an excerpt from the U of T press release on Dr. Lynch’s talk, titled “Recycled Paper: Readers’ Scrap-books in Late Georgian Literary Culture.” Enjoy!…

  • TRB Podcast: Matthew Kirschenbaum on the Literary History of Word Processing

    TRB Podcast: Matthew Kirschenbaum on the Literary History of Word Processing

    Listen here: [audio:May2012/kirschenbaum.mp3] On March 1, Dr. Matthew Kirschenbaum spoke at the University of Toronto’s iSchool Colloquium. Dr. Kirschenbaum’s lecture, titled “Track Changes: The Literary History of Word Processing” examines the past and continued influence that word processing technology has had on the craft of literary composition. Listen and enjoy! The U of T press…

  • TRB Podcast: Carolina Cambre on Che Guevara’s Image in East Timor

    TRB Podcast: Carolina Cambre on Che Guevara’s Image in East Timor

    Listen here: [audio:May2012/cambre.mp3] On February 25, Dr. Carolina Cambre was invited to speak at the Toronto Semiotic Circle as part of their monthly lecture series. Her lecture, titled “The Semiotics of Artifice in the Case of Che Guevara’s Face in East Timor,” explores the appropriation of the famous South American revolutionary for use in the…

  • Vladimir Nabokov: Lectures on Russian Literature

    Vladimir Nabokov: Lectures on Russian Literature

    Reviewed in this essay: Lectures on Russian Literature, by Vladimir Nabokov. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2002. At Wellesley College in 1941, before he secured financial independence with Lolita (1955), Nabokov was a one-man Russian literature department. Lectures on Russian Literature collects his lessons on Chekhov, Gogol, Turgenev, Gorki and Dostoevsky from that period, including after he…

  • Klausen on the Danish Cartoons

    Klausen on the Danish Cartoons

    On February 11, 2011, Brandeis Professor Jytte Klausen gave a retrospective on “Al Qaeda’s War on the Danish Cartoons” at the University of Toronto Political Science Department. [audio:klausen.mp3]

  • Joe Sacco on Comics as Journalism

    Joe Sacco on Comics as Journalism

    On March 17, 2011, renowned comic artist and author Joe Sacco spoke in the University of Toronto Arts Council 2011 Speakers in the Arts Series on “Comics as Journalism.” [audio:joesacco.mp3]

  • Cary Wolfe in Toronto

    Cary Wolfe in Toronto

    On February 2, 2011, Rice University Professor Cary Wolfe lectured in the Bulthaup Spring 2011 series at the University of Toronto John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design on “Biopolitics, Biopower, and the (Nonhuman) Animal Body.”   [audio:carywolfe.mp3]

  • David Lurie on Early Japanese Books

    David Lurie on Early Japanese Books

    On March 18, 2011, Columbia University Professor David Lurie spoke in the Toronto Centre for the Book lecture series at the University of Toronto on “Titles of the Current Realm: Script, Language, and the Earliest Japanese Bibliographies.” [audio:davidlurie.mp3]

  • Larson on Conversation

    Larson on Conversation

    University of Toronto English Professor Katherine R. Larson speaks in the Trinity Alumni Lecture Series on April 20th, 2011. Her talk is entitled “Conversation: A Declining Art?” [audio:http://www.torontoreviewofbooks.com/podcasts/klarson.mp3]