Bookishness: November 12, 2012

Worth more than a thousand words
Litographs: the entire text of classic books printed on 24×36. Here’s Around the World in 80 Days:


The Smithsonian home for wayward books
Inside the Smithsonian’s Book Conservation Lab, where rare books are adopted into a loving family.

“This bit of utilitarian Web ephemera, invented with functionality squarely in mind, has blossomed into a marvelous and underappreciated literary device.” #InPraiseOfTheHashtag.

Anna Karenina: Film Adaptations and Book Illustration
Timothy Ormond discusses film adaptations and illustrated versions of Anna Karenina at Toronto Public Library’s Thought Exchange tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 13), at the Toronto Reference Library, Elizabeth Beeton Auditorium, 1 pm – 3 pm.