e-Reading! An Interdisciplinary Toronto Review of Books Symposium on March 31 at Massey College

Join The Toronto Review of Books at Massey College next Saturday, March 31st for the interdisciplinary symposium on e-Reading we’re hosting in collaboration with the University of Toronto’s program in Book History and Print Culture and the Toronto Centre for the Book. All are welcome to attend what promises to be a fascinating afternoon. The program is as follows:

An Interdisciplinary Symposium at the University of Toronto
Presented by the Collaborative Program in Book History and Print Culture
The Toronto Centre for the Book, and
The Toronto Review of Books

Massey College, Upper Library
4 Devonshire Place, Toronto, Ontario

31 March 2012

Session 1: E-Reader Response
Kim Martin, Western U, “Primary vs Secondary Sources: The Use of Ebooks by Historians”
Eric Lease Morgan, U of Notre Dame, “Close and Distant Reading at Once And at the Same
Time: Using E-Readers in the Classroom”
Alex Willis, U of Toronto, Skeining Writing Solutions, “Fan Fiction and the Changing
Landscape of Self-Publication”

Session 2: The Space of E-Texts
Andrea Stuart, U of Toronto, “Read-Along Records: The Rise of Multimedia Modeling Reading”
Emily Thompson, U of Toronto, “Commuter Reading and E-Reading”
Brian Greenspan, Carleton U, “Travel / Literature: Reading Locative Narrative”

Keynote Address: Bonnie Mak (U of Illinois), “Reading the “E” in E-Reading”
Bonnie Mak is an assistant professor of Library & Information Science at the University of Illinois, where she holds a joint appointment in the Program for Medieval Studies. She has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Newberry Consortium for Renaissance Studies, and the Huntington Library. In 2007, she was appointed the inaugural Visiting Scholar of the Coach House Institute at the University of Toronto. Her book, How the Page Matters (UTP, 2011) explores the relationship between the materiality and mattering of the page from antiquity to the present day. Her next project is entitled, Implications of a Digital Revolution, and explores the consequences of the digital reconfiguration of historical sources—for scholarship and, more broadly, for the production of knowledge.

Wine and Cheese Reception


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